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A movie project with Steven Bauer

Many moons ago, I casted and landed a major role in the Movie “Miami”, written, produced and directed by Miguel Delgado. I was over the moon with joy when I heard that I will be in a project with the legendary actor Steven Bauer from Scarface and the sitcom Que Pasa USA.

That movie was shot and released on HBO in the late nineties and I haven’t seen Steven since the premiere. Fast forward to 2024, the Bob Marley one love movie had a private screening in Miami Beach and I was in attendance . My good friend Ralph told me he is bringing his friend Steven Bauer and would like me to meet him. I told Ralph, not to tell Steven about me, I want to surprise him. Ralph was curious, do you know Steven? I want Steven to tell you the story, I guess you'll have to wait, I replied.

Needless to say, it was a lot of fun to reminisce on the South Beach scene of the late nineties, the filming of that movie, the production, the difficulties we both  had to overcome. Looking back, we had a few laughs and will never forget that short moment in time all these years ago.

A working connection through any true art form carries a vibration that lasts a lifetime.

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